Kia ora

The trustees of Adopt a Student Charitable Trust have agreed that through the māhi of its volunteers the kaupapa of the trust has been fulfilled, and it is appropriate for the trust to be dissolved. The trustees which to thank its volunteers, donors and sponsors for their support over the last 3 years, and wish to advise that bank accounts have been closed with all proceeds being donated to the I Am Hope Foundation for the benefit of providing mental wellbeing support to young people in New Zealand through counselling services.

For any enquiries please contact
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Illustration of a family. Three adults and a child
About us
Illustration of a student women with a pink and white top


Choose how involved you want to be with your adopted family. It might be joining in with family sports, walking the dog, heading out for tea or a coffee or just taking time away from uni life to hang out. You might like a little extra support from someone who’s a bit removed from your usual circle.
Learn more here
Illustration of a man holding a child


Are you a whānau who wants to adopt a student? It's an awesome opportunity to learn from and grow with the students and the wider Adopt a Student community you connect with. This can be a rewarding and fun experience and create a positive difference in a student’s life.
Learn more here
Illustration of a women with a blue top and sunglasses


Your not a student and not looking to adopt one but still keen to get involved?

How about volunteering or being a partner sponsor.

Get in touch to find out more.
Learn more here